Islamists rigged flag redesign process to raise banner of Jihad in Minn., Utah, Illinois
Minn., Utah designers post anti-Israel beliefs; symbol swindles aided outcomes
The fix is in for the banner of Jihad.
Powerful but still unknown forces in at least three states were determined to raise new flags bearing the 8-point star of Islam.
They rigged processes to ensure they got the desired outcomes. Knowingly or not, they fulfilled the Hamas call to raise the “flag of Allah” over its enemies.
The 8-point testament to faith is ubiquitous in Muslim art, culture and flag design. It’s a totem of terror in Tehran. The 8-point star appears on the flags of the city of Tehran, Iran and Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence, among many others across the lslamic world.
The Islamic icon is now the hottest trend in US flag design, appearing on 30 or more new and proposed new flags around the nation.
But it has not been an organic process.
Flag committees in Minnesota, Utah and Evanston, Illinois all left evidence of their Islamic allegiance hiding in plain sight. See it with your own eyes here.
Minnesota officials credited artist Andrew Prekker for the winning new flag design in December 2023.
He enjoyed widespread media attention after his entry topped 2,500 public submissions reported by the state’s flag redesign committee.
The “winning” flag design, left, announced by Minnesota officials in December 2023. Right, the actual flag design hoisted over the state in May 2024.
But the new Gopher State guidon officials hoisted over Minnesota on May 11, 2024 bore only some resemblance to Prekker’s “winning” pennant that made the designer a local celebrity.
The sharply pointed image on Prekker’s flag, touted as Minnesota’s North Star, was replaced after he was announced the winner by a traditional Islamic rub el hizb 8-point star.
Luis Fitch, chairman of Minnesota’s flag redesign committee, switched out the sharply pointed North Star on Andrew Prekker’s “winning” winning submission and replaced with the 8-point islamic “Throne of Allah” star in a public meeting.
Minnesota flag commission chairman Luis Fitch pulled off the bait-and-switch swindle right under the public eye.
He was photographed by the AP during a December meeting holding up storyboards, purporting to offer multiple versions of the “winning” design.
Prekker’s North Star slowly disappears and is replaced by the Islamic 8-point star – the global symbol of religious faith that now flies over the state of Minnesota.
Prekker did not respond to questions about the Minnesota flag bait and switch. It is not known if he was in on the charade.
But he does proudly tout the new flag on his social media. Prekker also champions his antipathy toward multicultural representative democracy Israel and support for a racist terrorist dictatorship.
“Our state … cannot be complicit in Israel’s genocide against Palestine,” Prekker wrote this week on Instagram.
The City of Evanston, Illinois also rigged the system in favor of the Islamic “Throne of Allah” star. City officials used a little girl’s innocent face to hide its successful effort to raise the banner of Jihad.
Bernie Allen-Harrah, 7, was celebrated as the winning designer behind Evanston’s new flag in May 2024. Media reports showed the adorable little girl holding the new Evanston flag she drew with magic marker.
The glowing beacon at the center of her flag represented Grosse Point Lighthouse. The illuminating local landmark on Bernie’s banner shot a 10-point beam of light.
Now a local celebrity, Bernie hoisted the official new Evanston flag in a schoolyard ceremony on August 23.
The city standard that unfolded overhead did not bear Bernie’s lighthouse beacon. It displayed instead the 8-point Islamic “Throne of Allah” star being hoisted all over the country.
Flagmaker Michael Green of Flags for Good proposed a new flag for Utah during a Ted Talk at Utah State University. The video is here.
Green presented his Ted Talk flag in 2021.
Utah formed its new-flag task force in 2022.
Utah claims it reviewed 7,000 public submissions 2022 to 2023.
Utah’s task force announced its final design in 2023.
Utah hoisted its new banner over the state March 2024.
Utah’s new flag looked much like the one Green presented in 2021.
Green’s flag topped a field of 7,000 design submissions the state claims it received and he submitted it before the state even had a committee to manage the process.
The winning design had a red stripe on bottom, jagged white stripe in middle, blue stripe on top and centered orange polygon to represent the Beehive State.
The final design Utah introduced in late 2023 and hoisted in 2024 simply exchanged Green’s orange geometric beehive with a more realistic beehive.
Oh! Utah officials also added an 8-point Islamic star.
Green might have won the competition fair and square. But when Thug Adams boxed him into a corner earlier this year, he denied it was even his design.
“I wish it were my design,” said Green.
He also denied any connection between the Islamic 8-point star added to his flag and its Islamic symbolism.
But he does not deny his antipathy toward Israel and his support for Hamas.
Green blames Israel for “genocide” and refuses to sell Israel’s flag on his website. He does sell flags of Palestine.
“The flag of Israel is the flag of a government who is systematically oppressing humans and perpetuating an apartheid state,” Green wrote on his website blog on October 19, 2023.
There’s more to the scam.
Utah officials claimed the 8-point star represented the state’s eight indigenous tribes.
But guess who disagreed with that interpretation of the symbol? Members of Utah’s FIVE indigenous tribes.
Native Americans demanded the state change the 8-point star to an American-style 5-point star just weeks before the new banner was hoisted over the state in March 2024.
Utah’s official new 8-point star flag was already out in the public domain. It’s still out there today.
“You still see people wearing hats and t-shirts and flying the 8-point star flag,” said Utah resident and fire-breathing patriot Lisa Davis, a charter member of the Thugs of Liberty.
She provided a photo of a Utah flag baseball cap still showing the Islamic 8-point star.
About half of all US state flags display stars. Every single one of those icons on every stage flag, historically, was a 5-point American-style star.
It’s the same kind of star that Betsy Ross stitched into the first American flag for George Washington in 1776, after reportedly showing the general how she cut the shape from cloth.
Utah’s traditional flag displayed 46 Betsy Ross-style 5-point American stars. Minnesota’s traditional flag displayed 19 Betsy Ross-style American 5-point stars.
Both states raced in 2023 and 2024 to become the first state in the Union to replace the iconic American star with an Islamic-style 8-point star.
Two states more than 1,000 miles apart, with two different flag redesign commissions ,reportedly considered 10,000 combined public submissions. Both committees, independent of one another, settled on new flags with a foreign religious symbol never before seen on an American state flag.
It’s a statistically impossible coincidence right there. Yet as we know it’s much more widespread than just two states.
Both states publicly betrayed their dedication to putting the foreign symbol of faith on their new flags. An 8-point star appeared on 5 of 6 flag-design finalists announced by Minnesota; and 3 of 5 finalists announced by Utah.
Not possibile. Not unless coordinated.